A Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering or in a related field.
Mission and goals
The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering aims at forming highly-qualified professionals able to face complex design problems and foster technological innovation in the field of electrical power systems. It builds on basic disciplines (covering digital signal processing, electromagnetic compatibility and engineering electromagnetics, measurement and diagnosis techniques, power electronics and electrical drives, design of electrical machines and apparatus, etc.) and provides solid skills in the areas of electrical energy and renewable sources, electrical systems in transportation, design and automation of electrical systems. The programme includes
- a broad range track entitled "Renewable Sources, Transport, Design and Automation"
- a special track devoted to "Smart Grids", organized and run in collaboration with Enel S.p.A.
Career opportunities
Graduates in Electrical Engineering are highly employable in several, diversified areas. The main sectors providing job positions for Electrical Engineers include: generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy; manufacturing of electrical machines and power electronics equipment; industrial automation; design, production and operation of electrical systems for transportation (rail, automotive, aerospace and marine); companies operating on the electricity market. In addition, M.Sc. Graduates in Electrical Engineering can work as self-employed professionals, subject to passing the Principles and Practice of Engineering exam, and registering in the Order of Engineers.
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More info
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