School activities Academic year 2023-2024
- The call will expire on Tuesday October 10 2023 at 12.00 – noon – (local time)
- Admission test: the admission test consists of an interview with the commission, intended to verify the general knowledge of the candidate, with regard to the disciplines taught at the School and the knowledge of a language chosen between English, French, Spanish or German, as well as the Italian language for foreign candidates only.
- Interview: the interview will be held at Politecnico di Milano, via Bonardi 3, on October 13 2023, at 10.00 a.m.
- The final ranking list of the of the admitted candidates will be published on the website starting from October 20 2023.
Deadlines, fee and scholarships
- The educational activities are expected to start after November 2nd 2023
- The tuition fee for the 2023-2024 academic year remains unchanged and equals to 3,000 euros, plus an administrative fee of 165,59 € euro
- The School will provide no. 3 scholarships worth €1,500 for each of the two years of the course, as partial reimbursement of the course enrolment fee. The procedures for participating in the call for applications will be published shortly on the university website: Altre borse di studio e premi: polimi
- For information, contact the School's secretariat on 02.2399.9395
Call 2023/2024
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Course prospectus 2023/2024
Bonardi Street n. 9, Building n. 14, Floor -1, 20133 Milano
Phone: +39/02.2399.9395
E-mail: marilena.mastalli(at)polimi.it ; ssbap-dastu(at)polimi.it
Rifere to: Mrs. Marilena Mastalli
Website: http://www.ssbap.polimi.it/