A Bachelor Degree in Engineering, Architecture or Land Use Planning.
Mission and goals
The programme links the fundamental disciplines of Civil Engineering (design and construction of civil and environmental structures and infrastructures) with a broad overview of the most advanced Risk Management tools, with particular attention to forecasting and prevention issues concerning structures and infrastructures and soil, on which they are built or embedded, due to natural and anthropic causes.
1st semester: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Soil-Structure Interaction, Tools for Risk Management, Flood Risk, Structural Analysis, Fundamentals of GIS.
2nd Semester: River Hydraulics for Flood Risk Evaluation, Computational Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Theory of Plasticity
Three modules to be chosen among: Engineering Structures for the Environment, Geo-Engineering Techniques for Unstable Slopes, Emergency Plans for Hydro-Geological Risk, Structure Retrofitting, Transport Management in Emergency Planning, Geospatial Data Processing to Support Seismic Emergency Management.
The final project is devoted to the solution of a field case.
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