A Bachelor Degree in Architecture and a portfolio are mandatory.
Laurea magistrale programmes under the School of Architecture accept students only in the first semester of the academic year (September intake)
Mission and goals
Today, the profession demands the project as "as complex system", result of the relationship among different knowledges. Its management entrusts to the architect the central role of director, able to drive and recap this process, aiming at guarantee the realization of works and places architectural quality.
The ability to consciously play this role is, briefly, the purpose that the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme follows.
In other words, the goal of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme is to educate on the realisation and preservation and enhancing of complex works – where complexity refers both to works and places they define - in harmony with the environment they are positioned in, answering requirements of sustainability, functionality, well-being, and also suitably robust and durable in their normal use and in relation to severe natural events.
The purpose of the EU Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture - Building Architecture is to train a European architect who, on the basis of advanced professional knowledge, can give suitable and updated answers to the complexity of problems tied to the Design and Building of Architecture, to the duties and professional responsibilities requested today by this sector in Europe, and who is able to operate design briefs with the contribution of a multiplicity of knowledge and techniques. This purpose can be reached by making the best critical and design tradition of the school of Architecture in Milan to cooperate with the scientific and technical tradition of the School of Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
Along their educational path, therefore, students extend their knowledge of building logic, intended as the coherence between the environment, architecture, technology and structure, against the arbitrariness of form and the casualness of building phenomena. It is clear, therefore, that the main objective of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) course is to guide the student towards an in-depth knowledge of the core disciplines, the ability to use this knowledge in order to identify, formulate and solve in a suitable manner the problems of the design, building and preservation of Architecture, making him able to manage and control the whole process: from the design to its realization.
The study route therefore requires maximum commitment from the student in the Architectural Design Studio for Complex Architecture, present both in the first and second year of the programme and characterized by the compresence of the architectural, structural and technological disciplines. The Studio activities allow students to express their planning skills and to confront each other and professors in a process of continuous dialogue.
When attending the Studios, students can grasp, together with the freedom of choice, the difficulties in coherently designing works that answer all the requirements of the contemporaneity. The professors of the Studio work in a coordinated manner on the same project, beside the students, in the classroom, guiding them until definition of the architectural and executive details, and placing attention both on the development of suitable solutions and on the appropriateness of the choices of the building products of the building industry, in such a way that the project is developed by the students in all the architectural, structural and technological aspects.
This way of working, that characterizes all the training process, anticipates the professional modalities of integrated design process, develops personal, professional and interpersonal skills (soft skills), makes the student aware of their choices, capabilities, role and contribution in the design process.
The following is an example of a typical study plan:
Architectural Design of Complex Constructions Studio 1, Architecture Preservation Studio, Architectures and Materials for Historic Heritage, History of Building Constructions, Planning for Environmental Risks Management, Structural Modeling in Architecture and Numerical Computation
Architectural Design of Complex Constructions Studio 2, Architectural design studio for Restoration and Transformation of Complex Constructions, Risk-based Design, Economic Evaluation of Projects, Elective Courses, Internship and Final thesis
Career opportunities
Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate students can do all activities relative to the freelancing profession of a European architect; they can also hold offices of high responsibility in institutions and public and private companies (institutional companies, public and private companies), that operate in the fields of building, transformation and restoration of the city and the territory.
Given the direction of the Programme, the preparation of graduate students is particularly suitable for preliminary, definitive and executive designs of complex architectural products, and the project of preservation and use of existing buildings, with particular skills in the field of consolidation and renovation even in seismic areas.
Know more about the programme through a current student’s experience. Book your online one-to-one meeting through #Askastudent – Our voice for your choice project.
More info
Watch this video (in Italian) to know more about the programme.
Browse the programme website
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