A Bachelor Degree in Engineering or in Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies
Mission and goals
The postgraduate programme in Agricultural Engineering trains engineers operating in the agro-industrial sector who possess a system vision, i.e. an approach to the study and the implementation of application solutions based on an overall vision of the technological aspects of the agro-industrial chain. The objective is to prepare culturally and professionally highly qualified technicians able to implement the available technologies to ensure the sustainability, safety and traceability of agro-industrial productions, to design and integrate automation, to monitor agricultural robotics systems, to use Big Data analysis and Artificial Intelligence. By using these tools, the Agricultural Engineer aims at improving yields and control over safety requirements, at designing intelligent irrigation systems, at reaching the optimal economic management of farms and of the connected supply chain.
There are two tracks: one for students with a Bachelor Degree in Engineering, and another one for students coming from a Bachelor Degree in Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies.
Mandatory courses
Engineering Bachelor track: Plant Physiology and Applied Agri-food Microbiology, Applied Agronomy and Biochemistry, Animal Science.
Forestry Sciences and Technologies track: Analisi II, Fisica Tecnica, Fondamenti di Automatica con Informatica (in Italian).
Both tracks: Industrial Technologies for Precision Agriculture, Control Systems for Smart Agriculture, Data Harvesting and Data Analysis for Agriculture, Control and Actuating Devices for Agriculture, Agricultural Supply Chain Management, Smart Irrigation Climate Adaptive Tools for Optimal Water Productivity, Environmental Engineering: Methods, Solution and Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture.
Other courses
Materials for Agriculture, Technologies for Pre- and Post-harvesting, Renewable Energy Sources, Drones for Agriculture, High-Tech Entrepreneurship.
Final Thesis
Career opportunities
Thanks to his solid and transversal training, the Agricultural Engineer can find employment mainly in the industry of the agricultural production chain; in engineering companies that design, develop and implement processes, plants and technologies to support production, distribution and marketing related to agriculture and agro-industry; in research centers and public and private laboratories; in technical structures of the public administration and in consultancy offices for the environment, safety, agricultural and livestock production.
Since this a new programme, there are no employment statistics so far, but you can check the data of other Engineering programmes: Employment Statistics
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More info
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