Around two thirds of the way through both semesters, it is compulsory for students to submit a survey on the teaching they have received, prior to registering for their exams.
The students are invited to express their opinions on each and every one of the courses they have followed during the semester, and by responding to the survey each and every student is able to have the possibility of contributing to the improvement of the courses on offer.
The answers, at varying levels of detail, are then divided among the different participants involved in the process, such as the Presidents of the Schools, the Councils of the Courses of Study, the Joint Student-Professor Committees, the Director of Department, the Evaluation Core, and the Academic Senate.
For these reasons it is very important for the students to express their own opinions responsibly in the interest of the entire community of students and teachers who attend the University.
During the last year of the Course of Study, the students are also asked to give their own opinions on:
- The entire educational course: the questionnaire is compulsory for the registration to the Bachelor’s/Master’s call, and the students express their own opinion on the aspects which revolve around the organization of the teaching, the specific contents, the structures, the internships, international mobility and the final exam
- The student support service: the questionnaire is compulsory for the admission to the first call of the academic year and is only available for the students who are regularly enrolled in the last year of their course of study. The questions are related to the services offered to the students, such as for example: the admission, the study plan, the exam registration, the fees, the secretary, the ICT, the library, the restauration, the communication
The questionnaires are anonymous. The data is processed in aggregate form.
Utility of the questionnaire
The joint student-professor committee
The Joint Student-Professor Committee collect the results of the questionnaire and through a constant contact with the student representatives, carry out careful monitoring of activities. The results of this are reported annually and can be found on the School’s website. The actions of improvement and reports are then presented in the Academic Senate by the Deans of Schools and the Evaluation Core.
The course of study
The questionnaire is also fundamental for the Professors of the Course of Study, who have the possibility of reading the honest and sincere opinion of the students. As a result of this, they can improve the educational proposal and the teaching delivery mode. In addition to this, once a year, all of the Courses of Study are asked to reflect on the educational pathway also stemming from the results of the survey. The Student Representatives also participate in this moment, collaborating together in order to define possible improvement actions.
The Student Representatives in the Joint Student-Professor Committee as well as those in the Course of Study have access to the same data than the lecturers.
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