Test ARCHED 2024 online meeting

The Architecture TEST-ARCHED for the academic year 2024/25, valid for the admission to the three-year degree programme in Progettazione dell'Architettura, which is also taught in English (Architectural Design), and to the single-cycle master's degree programme in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura at Politecnico di Milano, will be held in remote mode on July 24th 2024, in English and  on July 26th 2024, in Italian.

Registrations for both dates opened on May 21st and will close on July 15th, at 11:59 pm CEST.

To prepare for the online test, the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Building Engineering (AUIC) and the Student Registrar’s Office of Politecnico di Milano are organizing two online meetings to clarify the steps for the registration to the test, and to explain the different sections of the test itself. These webinars will take place:

  • on Monday, June 3rd at 3pm
    How to access to the Architecture programmes for Italian students (webinar held in Italian)
  • on Wednesday, June 5th at 4pm
    How to access to the Architecture programmes for students with a foreign degree (webinar held in English)

A few minutes after the registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing the link to attend the webinar.

Please note that places are limited. Therefore, if you register and you cannot join, we kindly ask you to cancel your registration, so that another student may take part.

In case you cannot find any free spot, we suggest to enter the registration page again, to check if new places have meanwhile become available.

The webinars will last approximately 2 hours. You will get an overview of the test and of its contents, you will learn how to register for the test, how the rankings of admitted students are worked out and how to enroll.