A Bachelor Degree in Information and Communication Technologies or in a related field.
Mission and goals
The programme aims at training engineers who are able of developing Information Technology tools to deal with a wide range of applications. Compared with the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor) courses, the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme allows students to deal with more complex multidisciplinary problems, which require a stronger ability to model reality and a deeper preparation to integrate a broader spectrum of advanced technologies and skills. The programme is taught in English and it offers a large number of specializations, which cover the full spectrum of computer science applications:
- Ambient and data intelligence
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Big data and data science
- Bioinformatics and e-health
- Business informatics, analytics and intelligence
- Cybersecurity
- Interactive applications
- Internet engineering
- Pervasive Systems
- Robotics and Vision
- Software engineering for complex systems
Big Data Analytics and Advanced Databases, Ambient and Data Intelligence, Advanced Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Soft Computing, Bioinformatics and e-health, Design for Safety-critical, Concurrent and Real-time Systems, Distributed Systems and Middleware Technologies, Mobile Applications, High Performance Computer Architectures, Design of Embedded Systems, Pervasive Computing, Robotics and Image Analysis, Web and Multimedia Technologies, Videogames Design,Networked Enterprises and Services, Business Information Systems, Cyber Security.
Career opportunities
Information technology engineers operate mainly in companies that manufacture and supply IT equipment, systems and robotics; in companies that develop products and services based on IT, in private organizations and in Public Administrations that use IT to plan, to design, to manage, to decide, to produce and to run the business.
Double degrees
Students of Laurea Magistrale programme in Computer Science and Engineering can apply to one of the double degree programs organized in cooperation with several international universities:
- Double-degree programs, which contemplate a double master degree in a time period of three years, two of which spent at the partner foreign university. More info at this link
- Joint Master with Politecnico di Milano and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC): first-year students attend courses at Polimi for the first semester and then spend the second semester at UIC to earn also a degree in Computer Science from UIC. More info at this link
- EIT Digital Master School: a two-year double degree programme with a network of universities in Europe, where students attend the first year at Polimi and the second year at another partner university, earning two degrees. More info at this link
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