(Project laboratory, Intensive Schools, Workshop)

  • Language: ITALIAN
  • Enrollment: 17-09-2018to hour 12:00 on
Application completed, activity in evaluation
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Teacher in charge
Hours to attend
Max. number of students

Description of the initiative

The NECSTCamp (NECST + BootCamp) is a project with the main goal is making students more aware of themselves and their abilities.That goal is to be reached by creating an environment and including students in a certain number of activities that make them recall elements of their everyday life. Through this process, they will develop a better knowledge of their own abilities and of themselves in general.As an example, students are included in some sport activities. Neural connections are influenced by experience. However, motor control development is often left aside, concentrating more on a purely cognitive dimension. Many pedagogists have pointed out that motor control is a fundamental for neural development. In fact, it is closely correlated to cognitive functions; there is an important impact on cognitive function and it highlights the strict interlacement that exists between mind and body at any age. Sport is usually seen as a holistic approach to personal care, with a specific attention to diet and physical activity. When this attitude is applied to learning and didactics, it boosts students' academic performances. Moreover, it also helps students get to know themselves, to increase their adaptive capacity and to boost their personal motivation and self-efficiency.The NECSTCamp is therefore a project that aims to make students to practice for freedom. Freedom comes from being able of making informed decisions and in having choices. Every person is different from everyone else, because of family backgrounds, social class, cultural experiences. It is important for everybody to be able to develop a personal working plan, depending on their own abilities, in order to valorize them, knowing what their points of strength and weakness are, considering their "interior needs". The mentioned freedom comes from students that can realize their real potential, thanks to the awareness of their own abilities and in recognizing themselves as good, but also limited, capable, but not infallible. In this way, they can break down the barriers of their comfort zones, created to protect them against the risk of making mistakes, and eliminating self-imposed brakes for fear of really measuring oneself with one's own abilities. In this journey, each student is not alone. On the contrary, he or she is a part of a group, that becomes a driving force. The group's mechanism supports difficulties and triggers attention into a field of interest. It is interesting to observe and imitate a mate who has overcome a difficulty, learning new skills and competence. The base of this project is the respect that comes from making each one try each other's works. In this context, each person of the group participates in solving a common problem, learning how to collaborate.
Objectives: Each participant will define a set of personal objectives identified with a team of experts involved in the NECSTcamp:. Polimi objectives: defining a set of goals from an academic perspective, e.g. #CFUs, grades, is crucial to succeed. Most of the time students are not carefully planning their sessions. By working with an academic tutor we are creating a parallelism with the training activities to let each students to live a complete NECSTCamp experience. Training objectives: we are not going to train athletes, but having awareness in these activities will have a positive impact on the students in general). Sleeping activity and nutrition: most of the time we are not paying enough attention to our nutrition and sleeping activity. This behavior will heavily impact our performance no matter if professional or related to a training activity. During the NECSTCamp, students will have the chance of defining also objectives in these directions.


dal September 2018 a July 2019


Per ogni settimana: 2 allenamenti alla settimana (di cui almeno 1 allenamento funzionale)

  • Funzionale (Lun/Gio in una classe tra le seguenti 4: 7am, 7.45am, 6.30pm, 7.15pm)
  • Balance training (Lun: 8am, Gio: 8am, 5pm, Ven: 8am, 9am)
  • Corsa (da decidersi con gli allenatori del NECSTCamp)

Da ottobre a luglio:

  • 4/7 incontro con nutrizionista
  • 4/7 incontro con mentor accademico
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