(Practical activities, Experimental laboratory, Workshop, Trips and excursions)

  • Language: ENGLISH, ITALIAN
  • Enrollment: 26-05-2023to hour 12:00 on
  • Subject area: Tools|Tech and society
Application completed, activity in evaluation
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Teacher in charge
Hours to attend

Autocad, Illustrator, Photoshop, Rhino, SketchUp

Max. number of students
Selection Criteria
Order of Arrival
mountains, regenerative civilisation, self construction, woods
Environment and land planning, Communication design, Interior design, Product design, Service design, Circular economy, Materials, Heritage and landscape, Natural resources, Environmental and social sustainability

Description of the initiative

"Fo_Rest" is a theoretical-practical workshop on wooden design of self-sufficient off-grid micro-units organized by Campo Base Girotondo, Parco Nazionale dell'Appennino Tosco-Emiliano and CAIRE Consortium. The workshop will be held at Campo Base Girotondo, a former hostel in the Reggio Emilia Apennines that is the subject of a project to convert it into off-grid co-living/co-working units aimed at digital nomads and mountain living. "Fo-rest" is part of Girotondo Base Camp's multi-year plan to research and apply design strategies for zero-impact building regeneration and energy and food self-sufficiency.
The workshop will be divided into three phases, one research, one design and one application.
In the first phase we will go together to create a framework on the state of the art of various design strategies useful for achieving zero impact and self-sufficiency.
In the second phase, these design strategies will be applied to a real project theme that will later be implemented in the third construction phase.
The workshop starts from the notion of design as a conscious contribution to evolution and will lead participants to grapple, theoretically and practically, with the ecological and cultural responsibilities of design.
The aim is to create micro-architectures for short stops, to be disseminated in natural contexts with high evocative potential with the explicit goal of creating, through the experience of designing space, an emotional and intellectual reaction with respect to issues of cultural regeneration of the humanity-nature relationship. The context of reference is that of object-oriented ontology and the overcoming of dualism that pits human progress against natural balance.
With "Fo-rest," designers will not be called upon to design inspired by the forest, but rather to have the forest designed through them: micro-architectures will be made of wood and other materials/objects found in the forest, assembled using 3D scanning, modeling in Rhino and SketchUp, CNC cutting, and additive manufacturing.


dal June 2023 a July 2023


Istruttoria on line in data da concordare (dal 15 giugno in avanti): 2 ore
Attività sul campo dal 29 giugno al 2 luglio (da pranzo e pranzo).
Nel dettaglio:
1 - Istruttoria, online: 2hr (data da concordare con i partecipanti): presentazione del workshop e spunti di ricerca per prepararsi al laboratorio
2 - giovedì 29 giugno, al Campo Base Girotondo
Arrivo nella stazione di Reggio Emilia alla mattina verso le 11, trasporto al Campo Base Girotondo su un bus collettivo organizzato dai coordinatori. A seguire:
a . riassunto degli spunti della presentazione del workshop (Antonio + Julia, 30')
b. Presentazioni: 1 minuto a testa per presentarsi e per presentare gli elementi risultanti dalla ricerca individuale su cui il partecipante vorrebbe cimentarsi (1hr)
c. Pranzo
d. Lavoro di gruppo (immaginiamo 3 gruppi) per sviluppare il progetto (4hr)
e. Cena attorno al fuoco e presentazione delle suggestioni progettuali (concept e primi schizzi)
3 - Venerdì 30 giugno, al Campo Base Girotondo
a. Lavoro di gruppo per sviluppare il progetto (proposta definitiva) e preparare la presentazione con story telling (3h)
b. Presentazione delle proposte progettuali (1h)
c. Pranzo
d. Fusione degli elementi più interessanti dei progetti in un concept unico da ingegnerizzare (2h)
e. Lavoro di gruppo per risolvere i temi/dettagli/nodi da ingegnerizzare (2h) + Computo metrico / Bill of quantities (una base di materiali sarà pre-acquistata)
f. Presentazione collettiva delle soluzioni ingegnerizzate (eventualmente durante la "Lesson learnt intorno al fuoco")
g. Cena
h. Lesson learnt intorno al fuoco
4 - sabato 1 luglio, al Campo Base Girotondo
a. Realizzazione (4h)
b. Pranzo
c. Realizzazione (4h)
d. Lesson learnt intorno al fuoco
e. Festa
5 - domenica 2 luglio, al Campo Base Girotondo
a. Realizzazione (2h)
b. Conclusione (2h)
c. Pranzo e saluti


As for lodging, 9 rooms (2 to 4 places) and 5 bathrooms will be available. For food, a basic mountain hut type service will be provided. The costs of food and lodging will be borne by the participants.
For Sunday afternoon, July 2, directions will be given for points of interest in the area that can be independently visited by participants

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