
JRP Annual Meeting

An opportunity to strengthen relations between the University and partner companies

5 June was the date chosen this year for the JRP Annual Meeting, the event organised with the aim to highlight the results achieved thanks to the Joint Research Platforms, the strategic partnerships entered into by Politecnico di Milano with various companies. It was the perfect time to reflect on and discuss new projects and challenges. Key topics addressed during the evening included the development of entrepreneurship, joint training for young people, from Master of Science programmes to PhDs, the technological challenges of the present and the future, including sustainability and Artificial Intelligence.

The Rector's Delegate for Corporate Relations, Daniele Rocchi, presented the activities arising from the JRPs, stressing their heterogeneity; indeed, research, training and innovation activities are involved, as shown by the data collected:

  • over 600 researchers involved 
  • 940 publications
  • 215 patents
  • 49 courses/masters launched in 2023/2024 and 11 joint teaching projects with companies

The event was also attended by the Rector, Donatella Sciuto, who emphasised the importance of collaboration between the University and the corporate world to address the imminent global challenges and be stronger and better prepared in the face of the technological transformations that await us; Cristiana Bolchini, Professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, who presented the activities of Politecnico di Milano's Technology Foresight, the centre that observes and interprets the major changes underway in order to develop long-term visions on the potential role of technologies to get prepared for the challenges of the future; Stefano Ronchi, Vice-Rector for Education and Learning, who made an observation on the possible collaborations between the University and companies to train the future human capital adapting it to the demands of new skills and attracting new talents to face together the upcoming demographic and sustainability scenarios of the production system.