Scholarships and graduation awards (non DSU)

Other degree awards, provided by the Politecnico di Milano or other insitutions, are published in this page beside those of the DSU Announcement.


CALL n.1 Laurea Magistrale degree prize "GIOVANNI PASTORE"

YEAR 2024

Typology: Scolarship

Recipient: Graduated MSc programme in Nuclear Engineering

Amount: € 2.500 gorss

Deadline: 25-10-24

The n. 1 "Giovanni Pastore" 2024 Laurea Magistrale (LM) degree prize of €2,500.00 gross, shall be awarded to the LM degree thesis judged to be the best among those submitted on the subjects Nuclear fuel and Fission gas behaviour.


Fundraising and Alumni Unit
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Other scholarships are in the Italian version only