If you do not yet know your upper secondary school final mark, you can proceed with conditional enrolment.
The deadline to enter your upper secondary school final mark in your Online Services > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or receovery tests and enrolment" > Enrolment is 11 September 2025.
Those who will receive their final mark after 11 September 2025 are requested to contact the Registrar’s Office
There are no concessions or discounts based on upper secondary school final marks.
How to enrol
To proceed with enrolment, you must pay the first instalment. Access the Online Services and click on the link "Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment" select "Test Result and Enrolment" and click on "click here to enrol", answer the questions and select the payment method:
- IMMEDIATE PAYMENT by credit or prepaid card (PagoPA form 1)
Continue until the enrolment receipt is printed. - DEFERRED PAYMENT via home banking or at accredited Payment Service Providers (PagoPA form 3)
We advise you to re-enter and print your enrolment receipt.
We advise you to re-enter and print your enrolment receipt.
There are no benefits nor reductions of the first instalment based on the final secondary school grade.
For further information: Information about fees for Laurea, Laurea Magistrale and Single-cycle programmes
How to request a programme change
If you have already enrolled on a study programme at Politecnico di Milano during this academic year, in order to enrol on another programme belonging to a different School and for which you are eligible you must request to change programmes, ie to transfer your enrolment to the new Laurea programme. Your first enrolment fee will be held as valid.
To request a programme change:
login to your Online Services - Exam result and Enrolment, and click on the 'change programmes" link next to the date of the Urban Planning exam.
Send the Programme Change Request Form to the Registrar’s Office of your programme within deadline for your own enrolment.
The Programme Change Request Form can be sent via chat or as an e-mail attachment via the system www.polimi.it/contatti-studenti
(in this case, go to 'Join Politecnico > Exam Results and Enrolment in Laurea Programmes / Programme Change').
To proceed with enrolment, you must pay the first instalment. Access the Online Services and click on the link "Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment" select "Test Result and Enrolment" and click on "click here to enrol", answer the questions and select the payment method:
- IMMEDIATE PAYMENT by credit or prepaid card (PagoPA form 1)
Continue until the enrolment receipt is printed. - DEFERRED PAYMENT via home banking or at accredited Payment Service Providers (PagoPA form 3)
We advise you to re-enter and print your enrolment receipt.
There are no benefits nor reductions of the first instalment based on the final secondary school grade.
For further information: Information about fees for Laurea, Laurea Magistrale and Single-cycle programmes