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Language requirements

Students of Laurea Magistrale Study Programmes

Academic year 2024/2025

To join a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) study programme, students must demonstrate their knowledge of English by submitting one of the language certifications below (provided they have obtained at least the minimum score indicated in the table). 

Test/certificationRequired score
ETS - TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)Paper Based ≥ 547 (total score)
Computer Based ≥ 210 (total score)
Internet Based ≥ 78 (total score)
ETS - TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)≥ 720
IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
ELTS Academic e lo IELTS General Training
≥ 6

It is possible to self-certify knowledge of the English language at the level required for admission and upload the certification, if already in possession, or a certificate that proves successful completion of the test with the required scores by the deadlines as indicated on the English language proficiency, in the Future Students section. International certifications are accepted regardless of the year of achievement.

Students who will not the certification of the English language within the deadlines prescribed by each School, will not be able to enrol and, in some cases, to apply for admission.

After enrolment, the student may be contacted to agree on the submission of the original certificate at the Student Secretariats. It is important to be in possession of the original. If it is missing at the time of verification, enrolment may be revoked. We also remind you that the Student Secretariat reserves the right to request the presentation of the original certificate at any time in presence or distance.

Instead, students who have taken the test at an institute that sends the result to the Politecnico di Milano electronically do not need to submit an original copy of the certificate.
Further information can be found in the Educational Rules – Regulations of the student’s degree course.

The Politecnico di Milano does not certify knowledge of the English language and that any original certificates submitted are not retained. The only data recorded by the Politecnico di Milano is possession of the admission requirement, and the University can in no way certify attainment of a foreign language certification. Students are personally responsible for retaining their English language certifications.

Knowledge of Italian for International students

As of academic year 2021/2022, an Italian language proficiency test is mandatory for international students admitted to all English-language Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes.
International students will be enrolled with Italian OFA additional educational obligations and must certify that they know the language before sitting the graduation exam and completing their studies.
For more information and how to discharge the obligations go to the Italian OFA additional educational obligations page.

Students coming from Politecnico English-Language Degree Courses

Students coming from the English-language degree course in Architectural Design and enrolling in the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) may not have to submit a certification if they have already submitted one of the certifications required for the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and if they have achieved at least 112 ECTS credits in the English-language course. To assess whether you are entitled to this exemption, please contact the Registrar’s Office.