In order to complete the procedures related to the enrolment you need to submit the original documents listed below. In case of missing documentation, in accordance with the existing rules, Politecnico di Milano will revoke the enrolment.
Please find below the required documents, valid for all students:
1. Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor) diploma or a graduation certificate issued by a competent office (*) + one of the following documents aimed at confirming the authenticity of the degree:
- CIMEA Statement of Verification
- electronic Apostille (paper Apostille is no longer accepted). Please check this link for the list of competent authorities for the issuance of the Apostille in each Country and make sure the e-Apostille is available (**)
- online database provided by the institution issuing the degree. The link to the database and consultation modalities must be provided by the institution itself
2. One of the following documents aimed at confirming the eligibility of the degree:
- CIMEA Statement of Comparability
- Diploma Supplement (compliant with the standards of the European Commission) if issued by your university (*)
- Declaration of value (Dichiarazione di Valore) issued by the competent Italian Diplomatic Representative, related to the Bachelor degree. This document attests the validity and eligibility of your degree to pursue your studies in the second cycle
3. D type Student visa for Italy (non-EU students residing abroad only). Student visa must be obtained before the beginning of classes (mid-September)
4. Original certificate of English language (and Italian language, for students admitted to MSc programmes held in Italian language). For students whose previous Bachelor's degree was taught in English, unless clearly specified on the Diploma supplement, an official ORIGINAL letter from Institution is required.
You can check this page (section LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY) for all the details about the language certificates accepted.
(*) Unless bachelor degree or diploma supplement are not issued by the university directly in English, French or Spanish, a translation made by a sworn translator is mandatory. Politecnico di Milano accepts translations in Italian (preferably), English, French or Spanish.
Please note: translations obtained from translators or Tribunals in Italy will not be accepted.
(**) Apostilles are accepted for signatures of:
- a Rector, Dean, administration office manager or other representative appointed by a university/school, declaring the award of the qualification
- a notary, declaring that they have checked the authenticity of the qualification/certificate.
Apostilles are not accepted for signatures of a notary or other official declaring that a copy of the qualification/certificate conforms to the original (true copy).
The legalization of a qualification must not be confused with its official translation. The certificate of conformity of the translation or the declaration of conformity made by the translator, in the case of sworn translations, are not legalizations.
Declaration of value, when necessary, must be obtained by the competent Italian Representatives your University system belongs to (e.g.: for a university with British educational system in Peruvian territory the authorities of reference are those of the UK).
For all details regarding CIMEA Statement of Verification and Statement of Comparability, please check their website.