To complete the enrolment procedures, it is necessary to provide the documents listed below. Should the required documents not result verifiable, Politecnico di Milano will cancel the enrolment.
All Italian or equivalent student (find out what this means) are required to upload the necessary documents for enrolment to the Online Services Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment > Enrolment documents), possibly upon registration to the entrance test and, in any case, by and no later than 31 October 2025.
After this date, the OnLine Services of anyone found to be missing the required documentation will be temporarily disabled. |
All international students having reserved places (find out what this means) must upload the necessary documents within the deadlines specified in the section How to apply for a student visa
- Final diploma of secondary education
- Detailed grades of the last three years of schoolt, with stamp and signature of the competent office
- Certificate attesting that the university entrance examination in the country of origin has been passed
- Further documents required
Final diploma of secondary education
Issued in the original language accompanied by an official translation if not available in English, French and Spanish.
Politecnico di Milano accepts translations in Italian (preferable), English, French and Spanish.
The final diploma must be verifiable through one of the following methods:
- CIMEA Statement of Verification
- Electronic Apostille, obtained from the competent authority in the country of reference (for further details, see the dedicated paragraph)
- Online database provided by the institute that issued the diploma. The link to the database and the methods of consultation must be provided by the institution itself
Paper Apostille is no longer accepted.
Detailed grades of the last three years of school
All students are required to submit the detailed grades of the last three years of school, in the original language, accompanied by an official translation if not available in English, French and Spanish.
Such grades must be issued directly by the school and must contain stamp and signature of the competent office.
Politecnico di Milano accepts translations in Italian (preferable), English, French and Spanish
Certificate attesting that the university entrance examination in the country of origin has been passed
If foreseen for access to the university of the country of origin (Veveossi for Greek qualifications, Vestibular for Brazilian qualifications, Gao Kao for Chinese qualifications, YKS for Turkish qualifications, etc.). The certificate needs to be translated, if necessary, and verifiable through the methods described above.
Further documents required
For students with a degree issued by a Country which has signed the Lisbon Recognition Convention it is mandatory to upload, apart from the final diploma and the detailed grades of the last three years of school, with stamp and signature of the competent office, only CIMEA Statement of Verification, unless an online verification tool or the e-Apostille (for further details, see the dedicated paragraph) are available.
Politecnico di Milano will check the Statement of Correspondence on CIMEA ARDI database ( for each of the above-mentioned degrees, and reserves the right to request further documentation, such as the declaration of value, if necessary.
In all the other cases, apart from the documents previously specified, it is necessary to submit one of the following documents:
- CIMEA Statement of Comparability
- Declaration of value, issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representative in the country to which the school system of the obtained qualification refers
- Certificate Supplement, if available
For all details regarding CIMEA Statement of Verification and Statement of Comparability, please check their website.
STUDENTS WHO HAVE COMPLETED INTEGRATION YEARS TO FILL MISSING REQUIREMENTS (10 or 11 years of schooling, missing APs, missing university entrance examination)
Such students must complete the previous documents with one of the following documents:
a. Certificate attesting the completion of a Foundation Course abroad (with a duration of at least one Academic Year)
b. Certificate attesting the completion of 1 or 2 years of university studies
Such certificate must be issued by the competent office in the original language accompanied by an official translation if not available in English, French and Spanish (Politecnico di Milano accepts translations preferably in Italian, otherwise English, French and Spanish), and must be verifiable through one of the following methods:
- Legalisation from the competent Italian Diplomatic Representative;
- Electronic Apostille or paper Apostille, obtained from the competent authority in the country of reference (for further details, see the dedicated paragraph);
- Online database provided by the institute that issued the document. The link to the database and the methods of consultation must be provided by the institution itself.
c. Certificate attesting the completion of a Foundation Course in Italy (with a duration of at least one Academic Year) in a recognized university in Italy
This document must be issued by the competent office in the university where the course has been completed.
The Apostille must be required in the country related to the qualification obtained (if it has joined the Hague Convention).
At this link it is possible to find the list of competent authorities for each country for the issuing of the Apostille. Please check whether the electronic Apostille is available or not.
Apostilles are accepted for signatures of:
- a Rector, Dean, administration office manager or other representative appointed by a university/school, declaring the award of the qualification
- a notary, declaring that they have checked the authenticity of the qualification/certificate.
Apostilles are not accepted for signatures of a notary or other official declaring that a copy of the qualification/certificate conforms to the original (true copy).
The legalization of a qualification must not be confused with its official translation. The certificate of conformity of the translation or the declaration of conformity made by the translator, in the case of sworn translations, are not legalizations.
Specific requirements for some types of diplomas
To contact the International Students office click here