Develop your staff

Politecnico di Milano fosters continuing education and professional development in the companies.

The Corporate and Continuing Education Office (Servizio Offerta Formativa Post-Laurea) supports and guides companies towards the University resources that can best meet their need of updating their staff’s technical skills.

The Corporate and Continuing Education Office can provide:

  • a thorough and accurate analysis of training needs against the background of the market companies operate in and their development targets
  • the definition of a tailored path combining the teaching and the scientific and technological research carried out by the faculties
  • the actual training will be held only after examining the knowledge of the personnel to be trained and after defining the most appropriate teaching methodology (key notes, seminars, D-learning, coaching, visual innovation storming, etc.)

Educational programs can also be financed through some major lifelong learning funds (joint cross-professional funds, regional funds, etc.).


Masters and Lifelong Learning Service
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – 20133 Milano Italy
Building 2, first floor
Ph. +39 02.2399.2544